Sunday 10 June 2012

New habit I think...

Well I think it’s becoming a habit of mine to post blogs at stupid o’clock in the morning when I can’t sleep. Got super excited to see I broken the double digits of views! Yay me!

So I have officially decided that studying at two o’clock in the norming is a bad idea, I can hardly remember a thing when I do wake up. And lately I’ve been having the weirdest dreams.

Last night it was this epic adventure plot, when my best friend was kidnapped and I had to save her. Mind you lately this has been a regular occurrence in my dreams. First it was my dad, then my mum, now my friend and in each one, no one has believed me and I have had to do all the saving. Although come to think of it I haven’t actually saved anyone yet :s  if I could remember enough details they would make one hell of an epic adventure/action story, but like with most dreams I wake up and can’t really remember all the details which is disappointing really.

Any ways I should be off to sleep have a big day of more studying ahead of me, who knows maybe if I read fast enough I might be able to take Tighty Balls (my dog) to the park and play ball for a little while J     

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